Terms & Conditions

By enrolling in our Vietnam TEFL Program or Online TEFL Course (by making a payment in part or full) you are agreeing to the following terms and conditions and are entering into an agreement with Ninja Teacher Limited, Unit 2A, 17th Floor, Glenealy Tower, No.1 Glenealy, Central, Hong Kong, 999077, with representative offices in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

Vietnam TEFL Program

  • By enrolling in Ninja Teacher Limited’s Vietnam TEFL Program (by making a deposit or payment in full) you are agreeing to all terms and conditions contained in the Service Agreement that is shared with you during the application process.
  • A copy of the Service Agreement will be shared with you prior to enrollment for your review and, by enrolling in the Vietnam TEFL Program, you are agreeing to all terms and conditions stated in the Service Agreement.
  • A signed copy of the Service Agreement will be required from you when you enroll in the Vietnam TEFL Program. Failure to sign the Service Agreement does not void the terms of the Service Agreement - by making a deposit or payment in full for the Vietnam TEFL Program you are agreeing to all terms and conditions of the Service Agreement shared with you.
  • By enrolling in the Vietnam TEFL Program you are agreeing to all terms of the Service Agreement shared with you, including, but not limited to, our policies on:
    • Applicant Information
    • Payments, Refunds & Date Changes
    • Course Requirements
    • Attendance
    • Code of Conduct
    • Dress Code
    • Job Placement Assistance & Guarantee
    • Media Consent
    • Complaints
    • Intellectual Property
    • Liability Waiver & Personal Safety
    • Travel Arrangements & Accommodation
    • Visa & Required Documents for Work Permits
    • Advertising Material
    • Correspondence

Online TEFL Course

30 Day Money Back Guarantee

  • If you are unhappy with the Online TEFL course after enrolling, you may contact Ninja Teacher Limited with an explanation of why you desire a refund within the first 30 days after enrollment and you’ll be issued a full refund.
  • A request for a refund received after the first 30 days after enrollment will not be granted under any circumstances.

Non-Refundable Payments:

  • All payments made to Ninja Teacher Limited after the 30 day money back guarantee period are non-refundable.
  • No refunds will be granted if you fail the course.
  • If you fail the course and would like to be reassessed, a $50 fee is required and you may resubmit up to three of your lesson plans in order to increase your grade enough to pass.

Payment Plan Conditions

  • By enrolling with the payment plan option you are committing to making all payments until the total balance has been paid.
  • All payments are required to be completed once the 30 day money back guarantee deadline has passed.
  • Not finishing the course, or any other reason, does not constitute a valid reason to cancel your remaining payments, after the 30 day money back guarantee has passed.
  • If you do not complete all payments you will not be issued your certificate, or if you have been issued your certificate, it will be cancelled and the ID will no longer be valid with employers.

Requirements To Enroll

  • Our online TEFL course is open for enrollment and completion for anyone who is fluent in English and would like to learn the skills and receive a certification to teach English as a foreign language.
  • If you should feel that the academic standards or level of English are too high, you may request a refund within the first 30 days as per the money-back guarantee.

Required Equipment:

● Laptop or computer

● Internet access

● Audio (to watch videos)

● Word processor or Google Docs for written assignments

● Video recording software/app (phone or laptop)

Requirements To Pass:

  • Enrolling and paying for the course does not guarantee you will earn your TEFL certification. This is an academic study course that is on par with a university level course and the same effort, work, studying and commitment will be necessary to pass.
  • The following academic criteria must be met in order to pass:
  • You must earn a 75% or higher on the course to pass.
  • All work should be written in your own words. Plagiarized work, including copy-pasting from internet resources, is an automatic fail.
  • Requirements for progression through lectures and modules include watching the videos fully and completing graded quizzes.
  • Take notes while watching videos and reading through modules as it's important to remember and understand the content throughout the course in order to complete and pass quizzes and write your assignments. There is a lot of material to go through so don't expect to be able to easily skip back and locate answers in completed modules.
  • You will be required to take Module quizzes. Your average score on these quizzes will count for 10% of your grade.
  • You will be required to write assignments and record two videos. These will be submitted throughout the course and must be completed in order for you to get the most out of this training. Recall and reflection is important in learning the knowledge and skills you are building during this course. These assignments are 35% of your overall grade for the course. Please give us 7 business days to return to you feedback regarding your assignments, which will be shared with you by your tutor.
  • Lesson plan submissions will be required in order for us to ascertain whether you have developed this important skill that makes you a prepared and effective teacher. Your tutor will review your lesson plans and give you feedback to improve them. These 3 lesson plans constitute 55% of your grade. Please give us 7 business days to return to you feedback regarding your lesson plans.
  • If you fail the course and would like to be reassessed, a $50 fee is required and you may resubmit up to three of your lesson plans in order to increase your grade enough to pass.
  • If you appeal the grade given for a particular assignment, the internal moderator will be notified to examine the grading. If there are deemed to be inconsistencies in grading, the work will be remarked. If not, the above reassessment fee would apply if you request it. This can only be requested before the final grade is calculated.

TEFL Certificate:

  • Ninja Teacher Limited will deliver training and issue a TEFL certificate of 120 hours after the course has successfully been completed.
  • You must register for the course in your own name, complete the entire course yourself and proof of identity may be requested if any inconsistencies in your enrollment are found.
  • You should provide Ninja Teacher Limited with your full name when prompted for it, as shown on your passport, for your certificate. In cases where incorrect information is provided by you, a $20 reissuance fee will be required to acquire a new certificate with the correct information.
  • If you lose or want to replace your certificate for any reason a $20 reissuance fee, plus shipping, is required.
  • Ninja Teacher Limited makes every effort to ensure the certificate issued is accepted for work visa/permit purposes in countries worldwide but final decisions are made by government authorities and Ninja Teacher Limited cannot be held responsible for non-acceptance due to policy changes or any other circumstances.
  • Ninja Teacher Limited collaborates with other TESOL / TEFL organizations and / or accreditation bodies in order to issue a recognized certification and these partners may change from those advertised on the website due to partnership relations, legal reasons, betterment of accreditation or any other unforeseen circumstances.

Trainer Support:

  • If you are having difficulty within any area of the course you should bring it up as soon as possible so that your trainer can help you get back on track.
  • Your trainer is available to answer questions through the course comments section, our community platform and email, and will typically respond within 1 - 3 business days.
  • It may take up to 7 business days to return feedback regarding your assignments.
  • You may attend live sessions with your training as per the live sessions schedule in order to receive to support.
  • Live session access is available for up to 6 months months of enrolling in the course. After 6 months, Ninja Teacher has the right to refuse access to the live sessions but you may still submit the remainder of your assignments and receive grading from your tutor in order to complete the course.

Code of Conduct

  • During the program you should behave in a courteous and professional manner to all people directly or indirectly associated with the program. Unprofessional, disruptive or offensive behaviour are grounds immediate dismissal from the program. Should this happen no program fees will be reimbursed.
  • You understand that using alcohol or an illicit substance while on live sessions or during communication with staff and classmates constitutes grounds for immediate dismissal from the TEFL course and should this happen, no program fees will be reimbursed.
  • You understand that as a trainee teacher, you are expected to behave as a teacher, both in and out of the classroom.
  • You should treat your classmates and Ninja Teacher staff respect. If you have a disagreement, handle it in an adult manner, and respect that others may not have the same opinion as you.
  • You understand that Ninja Teacher Limited has the right to cancel the enrollment of any student who:
    • Is disruptive in class
    • Appears to present a risk to anybody in the program or the community.
    • Is under the influence of alcohol, drugs or any other banned substances.
    • Engages in behaviour that is contrary to the ideals and interests of the course.
  • The course director's decision is final and dismissal from the course is not grounds for a refund.

Job Support & Employment Disclaimer

  • While Ninja Teacher Limited has a solid track record of graduates securing employment, our Online TEFL Course does not include a guarantee that you will secure a job using our certification, methods and resources.
  • The Online TEFL Course includes a Career Readiness module that aims to prepare and empower you to search for and secure a job, by including a resume template, email templates to contact employers, a database of hundreds of jobs to apply for, and tips and advice for applying and securing a job.
  • It's important to note that different schools have additional hiring requirements, and additional qualifications such as a completed bachelor’s degree (in any subject) may be required by many countries to legally work. Some countries, such as Cambodia, do not require a degree.
  • Additionally, many countries designate certain nationalities as "Native English Speakers" or NESs as those who have a passport from either the United States of America, United Kingdom, Canada, Ireland, Australia or New Zealand and NESs are preferred by many (and required by some) governments and schools. If you are not a native speaker with a passport from one of these countries then you may experience difficulties with securing employment.
  • This online TEFL course does not include facilitating and setting up interviews between you and schools by Ninja Teacher Limited as the vast majority of schools in Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, Indonesia etc only hire teachers already physically in the country. This means you may need to fly to the country and conduct in-person interviews and demonstration classes in order to secure a job. Assisting you with this process if outside of the scope of this online course, so consider taking our in-person Vietnam TEFL Program for full job placement assistance.

Media Consent:

  • You understand that Ninja Teacher Limited may use recorded videos or pictures, that include you and other program trainees from live online training sessions, in the course content, share them on social media platforms and / or use them on Ninja Teacher Limited’s website.
  • We will not share your name or contact details to ensure your privacy.


  • You understand that if you are having difficulty within any area of the program, you should bring it up as soon as possible so that Ninja Teacher Limited can help you get back on track.
  • In the event you have a complaint of any kind, you should initially raise your concern with a Ninja Teacher team member who will make every effort to address the complaint with a genuine desire to resolve the matter.
  • If you remain dissatisfied, a formal discussion of the issue and these terms will take place. If no mutually acceptable resolution can be come to, you may choose to seek outside council.

Intellectual Property

  • All program content, materials, images, videos etc you are given access to during your training (unless other attribution is given) are the intellectual property of Ninja Teacher Limited. Any sharing, selling or use for monetary gain during and / or after the program is grounds for dismissal from the program and legal action may be taken. Using Ninja Teacher Limited’s program design and / or content within your own or another company is strictly prohibited.